8 minute read When I was younger, I admired leaders for their positions, company size, and teams. Yet, I couldn’t help but be utterly baffled when they posed what sounded like the simplest of questions. Let me correct myself here. I actually thought they were asking dumb questions. Then, one day, a light bulb went […]
6 minute read Curiosity is a very selfish endeavour. I believe that, in its most pure form, curiosity is actually very selfish. Why? Because I want to know more because it serves me now or in the future. As I have mentioned before, I also think that as a leader, it is table stakes to
5 minute read “Good leaders have the best answers, great leaders have the best questions.” – Unknown. So often inside an organization, people are getting it wrong. It’s not only expected of leaders to have all the answers – it is demanded of them and they are punished when they don’t. And, as leaders, we
2 minute read Leaders have never been under more pressure to do more with less and to push their teams to solve complex, sometimes company-killing, challenges in days and hours, not months and years. In a world where leaders at every level are drowning in “shoulds’ why do we need to add another item to
2 minute read So, there I was, 18 years old, thinking I had all the answers (which, as many of us know, is exactly when we find out that we don’t know anything at all). I was buying my first and only pool cue, and no, not because I was very good at pool. I
6min read There I was, naked and down on one knee on my bathroom floor with my feet and ankles aching so bad I
7min read A year and a half ago, the world took part in the most significant shift in how work gets done since the industrial revolution. While many employees continued to show up in person (retail, manufacturing, etc.), the majority of knowledge workers transitioned to their homes to continue to deliver value. As the world
Stop having the wrong conversation about Work From Home! Read More »
5 minute read.
Imposter Syndrome makes you feel deeply alone. But the positive thing about this negative self-talk is that almost everyone experiences it at one point or another. That includes me — you are not alone. I realized how many other successful CEOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs, and people I knew were letting opportunities pass them by because they were paralyzed by fear.
10min read Western Canada has been working towards an economically diverse future since Preston Manning’s call of “reform” in the late 1980s. As host of Collisions YYC, a hyper-local Alberta podcast centered on economic transformation, this is a rallying cry I hear from every guest. “We need to pivot by changing everything — our company
The 3 Key Avenues to True Economic Transformation Read More »
9min read How comparison (to the wrong things) can kill your mojo Do you ever catch yourself scrolling through Instagram and suddenly feel like you don’t measure up? Maybe you doubt the ideas you bring to the boardroom table. Or perhaps you see your colleagues getting ahead while you feel left behind. You are not